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/您现在的位置:首页 - 防灾减灾应急救援 -新闻动态 - NHC Northern Helicopter – Reliable partner for offshore air rescue, offshore emergency evacuation, ambulance flight operations and passenger transportation


地  址:上海市静安区延长中路801号新华文化科技园C座2004室
联  系 人:陈东升
电  话:021-60821368-188
传  真:021-60405102
电  邮:benchen@yesconsulting.cn
网  址:www.chinarescue.cn


NHC Northern Helicopter – Reliable partner for offshore air rescue, offshore emergency evacuation, ambulance flight operations and passenger transportation

发表人:   发布于:2020-10-28 00:00

The Emden-based aviation company Northern Helicopter GmbH operates air rescue services for the offshore wind industry in the North Sea and Baltic Sea as well as ambulance flight operations on the East Frisian coast for the offshore islands. NHC Northern Helicopter is also available for further individual orders. Pilots, emergency doctors, emergency paramedics and hoist operators form the crew of the rescue helicopters. Technicians take care of the fleet of Northern Helicopter GmbH and a friendly and competent team ensures safe and qualified handling of the orders.

2025第十四届中国航空医疗救援国际会议 2025 The 14th China Air Medical & Rescue International Conference